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My Dog Has Pulled or Sprained Their Ligaments in the Front Wrist / Carpal. What Should I Do?

My Dog Has Pulled or Sprained Their Ligaments in the Front Wrist / Carpal. What Should I Do?

You might have been on a walk with your dog, and now you're noticing that they're limping in their front leg. It's possible they've pulled or sprained a ligament in their front wrist or carpal. Perhaps they've turned quickly while out on their walk, jumped off a high ground, or injured themselves while playing with another dog.

Pulled ligaments or sprains will be painful for your dog, but if you're careful and look after your dog with good management, your dog will make a full recovery. 

Find more carpal supports and braces here:

Read further into carpal injuries here:

Previous article Viva, the dog, had a Bleed on the Spine

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