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My Dog Has A Swollen Front Leg. What Should I Do?

My Dog Has A Swollen Front Leg. What Should I Do?

If your dog has a swollen front leg, you need to get this checked out by a vet for a confirmed diagnosis. It could be swollen due to a number of medical conditions in the front leg. For example:

  • Arthritis in the carpal joint
  • An injury  - Perhaps in the paw or down the leg (depending on where the swelling is).

Check thoroughly all the way down your dog's leg. Check for any signs of heat, indicating the area where your dog is suffering from an infection or inflammation. Look for any signs of a cut or perhaps a thorn in the skin or fur. Check if the swelling is coming from the paw or if it’s in the leg. Think back to when you have been walking or exercising your dog. Was there a moment where chasing for a ball or turned too quickly? These can all be important information for the vet when you take your dog in for a diagnosis.

Read further into carpal injuries here:

Previous article Viva, the dog, had a Bleed on the Spine

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